Saturday 20 September 2014

First night in London!

So I moved in today to a huge disabled room - my bathroom is a wet room with a little seat in the shower which is perfect because I hate showers so much.

I went shopping with two of my flatmates, and we brought the trolley back to our flat (he's called Barry-Keith , he's very happy) because it was easier than having to carry all of the bags. We then went around and tried to meet everyone in our building and the other building (north and south block) - it turns out that south block (my building) is pretty much girl central with the odd guy , whereas north block is the complete opposite. There is definitely the potential for rivalry... evidently south block will prevail , women are from venus and all that.

Prior to arriving I had organised with a load of girls to go pacha our first night in accommodation (mainly because I earned £5 off every ticket sold) and our tickets were upgraded to boat party tickets this morning. We ran for the tube, ran to Westminster Pier, arrived and it was full of middle aged people who were not the kind of people we wanted to be stuck on a boat with for three hours. An hour later whilst walking along south bank (we stopped at embankment in this weird pop up fairground they had there - Pimms Sundowner was amazing and I wasn't IDd!) we saw the boat - it was soooo dead , a couple of people waving their hands to the disco lights and that was it. We kept walking for a while and then caught a tube to Oxford Street, walked around Soho and then headed home to 'predrink'. We met a lot of people in our flat (for instance Dan, who was the American 27 year-old friend of a guy called Neville, who had met each other in Vietnam during Neville's gap year and just happened to be staying with Neville for one night before flying back to Houston tomorrow) and finally left for Pacha around midnight.

I've never been to a club before , but I can tell you they are not my thing at all. As a girl in a relationship - and with a bit of dignity - I see no entertainment in letting a load of guys come up and dance with you like you're a pole. I'm fine thanks, leave me alone. I spent a lot of the night edging away from guys, and as Libby and another girl called Sophie left the club to go to a casino in Soho without telling us, I ended up three-wheeling Charlotte and a guy she met called Phil. I managed to find another guy to make it less awkward , but his dancing consisted of the robot... we were clearly the coolest people in that club. It's now 4am, I got back around an hour ago and have just been drinking tea on my first night at university after escaping from a club because 'it was too loud'. Clubs are not my thing.

I don't have anything to do until 4pm tomorrow, so I can have a lovely sleep after the shower I'm about to have (sitting down , of course) and then emerge tomorrow ready to meet a lot more people , who are actually on my course this time , and forget all of their names immediately. At least I'm considerate - I wear a necklace with my name on it.
(From left to right - Dan, Joyce (I think?!), Neville, Phil, Meh, Charlotte, Sophie and Libby's forehead)

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